
What does L.O.L mean..??

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ive seen people leave l.o.l. what does it mean thanks





  2. Aw, bless ya. Its so common today we take it for granted that everyone knows what it means.

    Basically, people use it when they are laughing at something. Its actual meaning is 'Laugh Out Loud'.

    Most people don't really put dots in between the letters.

    Also, if you see people write:

    'LMAO' - this means 'Laugh my a.rse off'

    'LMFAO' - this means 'Laugh my fxcking a.rse off'

    'ROFL' - this means 'Roll on floor laughing'

    'PMSL' - this means 'P.iss myself laughing'

    All these types of things usually mean that something is funny.

    Hope this helped - good luck!


  3. It means literally laugh out loud, or lots of laughs or even lots of love. What it really means is don't take what I just said too seriously or too literally. This can be important when just using the written word as there is no expression and you can't tell whether people are being totally serious or not.

  4. laugh out load

    i dont know anyone who uses it for lots of love...but you could.

  5. If you mean within Instant Messages or E-mails, they likely meant Laugh Out Loud (LOL).

  6. usually, Laugh Out Loud but i've seen it occasionally used for Lots Of Love

  7. My fav is pmsl = Pissing myself laughing

  8. it means laugh out loud!

    if you need to find out more meanings of words try  

  9. it means laugh out loud, lots of laughs or lots of love.

    people also use lmao which means laugh my *** off, or lmfao which means laugh my f*cking *** off.

    Its pronounced either l.o.l or just lluh oh luhh as one word, lol.

    Hope i helped, xox

  10. Lots of Love

    Laughing out loud

  11. I got in to trouble with my daughter when I finished a text to her LOL, I meant lots of love and she of course thought I was saying Laughing out loud.

  12. Younge people - laugh out loud

    Old people - lots of love

  13. Laugh Out Loud.Its probably the most overused abbreviation online.

    I mean,these days people will say something as far as "I cut open my wrist on accident...l0l". 80% of my online conversations involve a 'lol' that isn't necessary, I guess it became a habit.

  14. laugh out loud

    lots of laughs

    or in certain contexts

    lots of love.

  15. LOL = laugh out loud

    LMAO = laughing my *** off

    ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing

    but trust when people write lol

    they aren't lolling

  16. laugh out loud

  17. laugh out loud

    lots of love  

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