
What does ...........LOL mean?

by  |  earlier

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I know is something like dumb y don't know

and tell me about staff like OMG(oh my gosh)

I'm really new at it




  1. Laugh On Lmfao :p

    Just Kidding

    ITs Laugh Out Loud

  2. LOL means Laugh Out Loud.

    LMAO means Laugh My *** Off.

    WTF means What The ****.

    NVM means Never Mind.

    IDK means I Don't Know.

    But DO NOT say these things while speaking, only while typing... or else it is extremely annoying. LOL.

    Hope i helped =]

  3. I always thought is was "Laugh Out Loud".  

  4. LOL means "laugh out loud".  

    As a future reference for these sorts of questions check out urban dictionary:

    It's very useful :D.

  5. l**k Old Ladies..LOL

  6. laugh out loud

  7. Lol-laugh out loud

    deti-dont even think it

    w/e- whatever

    rofl-rolling on floor laughing


    Brb- be right back

    tyl- tell ya later

    nvm- nevermind

    gtg- got to go

    cu- see ya

    Btw- by the way

    ttyl- talk to you later

    lylas- love you like a sister

    Np- no problem

    ty- thank you

    idk- i dont know

    idc- i dont care

    ily- i love you

    dkdc- dont know dont care

    l8r- later



    jk- just kidding

    dtm- dead to me

    kthx- kay thanks

    kl8r- kay later

    l8r- later

    nm- not much

    rly- really

    ppl- people

    awk- awkward

  8. LOL = Laugh Out Loud

    ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing

  9. lol: lough out loud

    txn : thank you

    w8 : wait

    omg : oh my god

    u : you

    y : yes

    str8 :straight...

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