
What does London/Great Britain have to offer culturally??

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I know that now there are multi-racial communities but other than a history of royalty & imperialism....what else does Great Britain have to offer.......please help me understand what culture does England have...ANd you have to give me more than Shakespeare.





  1. Wow, there's so much that it isn't a matter of finding them, it's a matter of finding the time and energy to cover it all.  There's all the theatres in the West End, the Tower of London is a whole day of History, and the museums.

    Of course, there are so many Castles to see, many can be toured on a day outing. (Leeds, Windsor, Rochester, Buckingham, Kensington, on and on!!)

    And this is just London!

  2. London, it's like a treasure hunt for the historical places, each that has its own story of British culture.

    London is very big and confusing so it's fun that you have to go in search of them.

    There are actually things you can print off the net that gives riddles to the locations of the places. I think it's cool.

    There isn't any specific cultural things anymore because most of it has been ruined down to the fact that we are now a multi-cultural society, but there are many hidden stories.

    The ghost trails are a must do!

  3. London is amazing- There are loads of theatres, museums, landmarks etc. You've just got to find them!

  4. A great place if your into museums art galleries etc Google these Tate modern Tate Britain Kew Gardens Windsor Castle etc the list goes on  

  5. A quotation goes "If you're tired of London, you're tired of Life" or something like this...

    London has so much to offer, I've been there 3 times and haven't seen it all so I'm going again.  You should go to the Science Museum, to the British Museum, Greenwich National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Royal Observatory, Tate Galleries, Tower of London, Big Ben, there are so many, and don't try to see them all in just a couple of days, because it would be too much.  

  6. London itself, to me, is pretty similar to many other big cities once you get passed the historic buildings and museums.  Sure, there's plenty of things to do in cities, but i am more attracted to the countryside.

    If you want to be thrilled, go to Lands End. It's a magnificent place.

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