
What does MARSOC training consist of?

by Guest58571  |  earlier

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I've heard its a lot like BUD/s but I can't do BUD/s do to the fact that my sinusus wont let me go very deep underwater without my ears getting ready to explode and the whole 50m holding your breath ****




  1. First of the Marine Special Ops training is called MSOS not MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) I would suggest you reevaluate what you're capable of doing with that physical restraint, I doubt your ability to complete and special operations or special forces training. Your ears must be able to deal with pressure, you must complete water training and be able to jump out of an air plane. That being said training for MARSOC is constantly evolving due to it's a new command. The current training pipeline after being selected is about 7 months of intense training in tactics, weapons, first aid, recon, scuba, parachuting, basically the same as ARMY special Forces and SEALs however differing in many aspects as well.  

  2. Then you wont do well in MARSOC, MSOSG or recon.

    Try Army Ranger. Elite, yet mostly dry training. Hope your sinusitis wont keep you from HALO jumps or you really wont make it.

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