
What does Man's involvement have on the environment???

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What does Man's involvement have on the environment???




  1. not as much as you think.

  2. Big. In every aspect. Mans' existence is because of the environment.

  3. Let us take for example a task in a typical adult.

    1.  He wakes up, takes a bath, brush his teeth, pee and do the excretion thing.

    How does that  affect the environment?

    Before even waking up, he is already consuming electricity if he is using the aircon.  Electricity that is powered by coal produces carbon dioxided that contributes to global warming.  Upon waking up, he consumes water when taking a bath and brushing his teeth.  If the soap he used and what he gurgled is disposed improperly, it goes to a body of water which in turn is polluted someway or another.

    So, in essence, whatever man does, he always has an impact on the environment.

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