
What does do for the benefit of the American people?

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What does do for the benefit of the American people?




  1. It shows us which causes and people NOT to support.

  2. They will be an anchor, securely padlocked to the ankle of whoever the Democratic nominee is, as they try to tread water with the general electorate in '08.

  3. excellent question. it is one of the most visible groups holding those in power accountable.  This is not always popular, but in the presence of an executive branch that has emasculated the congress, it is one of the few watchdogs with a little bite.  You know they are onto something when the opposiition screams so loudly!

  4. They provide insight into a particular point of view. Agree or disagree? It doesn't matter. It's another voice of America and that is what the Constitution is all about: the freedom for all voices to be heard. Does Moveon benefit America? Well, if it spurs debate - pro and con - then yes.

  5. Well the one advantage I see, it has the testicles of every leading Democrat locked up, including Hillary's.

    They are a political action organization, that first came into the lime light when they were supporting Bill Clinton when he committed perjury.

    And half shaft, come on, progressive means socialist, which are good for no one. Progressives are very left leaning people who are afraid to admit it.

  6. They provide an organized platform for some very good progressive policies.

    So, for PROGRESSIVE American people, they provide a major benefit.

    I know the conservatives like about as much as I enjoy the policies of the American Heritage Foundation, the CATO Institute, American Conservative Union, etc.


    We all have our little clubs, don't we?

  7. Not a d**n thing.  They hurt this country every day by giving the crazy liberals something to hold on to.

    and to the previous poster, I don't need to TELL me who to vote for, I'll make that decision myself, just another thing WRONG with Moveon.

  8. tries to educate them - but thats like trying to empty the ocean with a spoon

  9. They're just another lobby group. I suppose in that respect, they support freedom of speech the same way that the NRA or KKK does.

  10. nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. I don't think they provide a serious platform for discussion of progressive issues at all.  The whole General Betray Us thing sounded like 5th graders teasing a classmate about their name.  This type of stuff is juvenile and does not create a forum for serious debate of the issues.  My opinion - they're worthless.

  12. They can give their oppinion, which we can be ignore or beleive.  It's freedom in action and a wonderful thing.

  13. They are not about helping people, they are about defeating the Conservative agenda. Doesn't matter what it is. If it is proposed by a Conservative, it must be defeated. Especially a good idea, that is the worst kind.

  14. To the supporters of Moveon: Keep up your BS with the General.  This WILL be your downfall.  The General is NOT a politician and has given the most honest assesment possible about IRAQ.  The American people trust him much more than you, congress or any other politician.  This will bite you in your idiotic little butts.

  15. Nothing, they are just an attack dog agency for the Democratic Party.  They can go over the top, then if there is backlash over it the Democrats can fake outrage and say they are not to blame.

  16. well, they tried to keep Bush from getting elected, for one thing.......

  17. Absolutely NOTHING! is run by a bunch of

    America haters funded by the greek geek G. Soros.

  18. I don't think they have the responsibility to benefit the American people . . . nor do I think Rush or O'Reilly have any moral obligation to benefit American society.

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