
What does NATO do differently then the UN?

by Guest32657  |  earlier

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What's the purpose of it?




  1. for more info and  not hearsay go to

    the respective sites.

    y ou learn this stuff in jr high.

  2. NATO is Canada, US, and some European countries who address security issues of common concern and have an army that can back themselves up.

    The UN is supposedly all the nations in the world that hang out in this building in NY. They sit around andcomplain about the United States mostly while drinking lots of coffee. They are just one big whine facility and do nothing. They are the equivalent of the League of Nations there predecessor.

  3. NATO was designed for combating communism during the cold war. The UN is designed to maintain world peace.

  4. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is used today help European countrie's militaries and their policies. See the link for more info. My dad is in the military adn he used to work for NATO. Many different countires worked together for NATO.The people that worked with my dad were: Belgian, French, Turkish, English, German, and other European nationalities I can't remeber. The U.N resolves problems around the world, NATO resolves problems in Europe.

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