
What does Nashville need to do?

by  |  earlier

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and it seems now a days we play every year good enough to get into the playoffs...and last year we were the #2 seed in the west i think. maybe 2 years ago, ( sad to say but didnt really pay as much attention to hockey then as i do now ) because they had Kariya, Forseburg, and idk if Arnott was there yet, but they were in a race with Detroit for the #1 seed and Presidents Trophy i think and got into the playoffs and lost, this year, got into the playoffs and lost, they just cant seem to get past the first round? what needs to be done in your opinion?




  1. Hello fellow Predneck!!!!

    First off--- How awesome were those ovations during the final 4 home games???

    What we need to do first is gonna be painful--- let a goalie go...    Ellis or Mason--- obviously Mase is contracted for 2 or 3 more years, but we remember how Vokoun's multi-year deal went south..   Right now-- we keep Elli and Mase realistically----- but the trade bait would give us a decent 2nd line forward...

    Second-- get a big gun scorer-- Hossa may be the best shot at this.. I dont think he can stay with Pitt.. Cap issues will  force him out IMO...

    Third-- trade off some of our over-stocked defensemen and obtain the second best forward there is out there.. No idea who is gonna be available..

    Fourth--- Pray like He ll that Sully gets back to playing form this season...  this will actually fill a BIG hole in our offensive push..

    Fifth--- Support the new AWESOME ownership by going as often as possible, being as loud as "the cell block", and recruiting new fans as much as possible so we can push up our roster salary by getting the big name guys..

    Thanks for stopping by-- GO PREDNATION!!!

    BTW-- not too bad a year for a gutted team, dont you think???

    ADD--- Who is that in your avatar???

  2. I think they are on the right track finally. Now that ownership is organized and they arent gutting the team to rid themselves of the big contracts they have recognized the importance of developing and signing the young core guys to long term deals. They have a ways to go no doubt but honestly they have a very good defensive core group of very young guys, that is a great first step. They also saw the wisdom of keeping Trotz around, that was a huge move as far as I am concerned. They need to ink an older clubhouse presence type guy to help them grow and keep developing their talent. And most important...they need people like you in the seats every night....dollars are a huge ingredient for building winning teams.

    By the way, I am a diehard Red Wings fan but I just plain love hockey and welcome a good rival...the Preds could be that team. And I like watching teams that want to win, even if they are a threat to my Wings....if they respect the integrity of the game I have nothing but respect for them (but I still want the Wings to pound the c**p out of them).

  3. They put up a good fight against Detroit.

    You need to remember though you can't always expect your team to win.You also need to take it into note that they were facing the Red Wings,the leagues best team and stanley cup finalist.They need to get more firepower in there team.If they can get Malone or Ryder i'm sure they will do much better.


  5. They don't need to move.  Ignore the calls.

    As for the team, I think it's clear that they don't have high end talent.  They have like 3 of the best 3rd lines and a 2nd line out there.  They went for it all last year with Kariya and Forsberg, but they're still in good shape.  Also they're underrated, but to make real moves, I think you gotta have 1 or 2 forwards who are top liners.  That means you can't get too enamored with your guys.  I thought Erat's deal was too big personally.

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