
What does OPEN mean?

by Guest63267  |  earlier

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I've read that the first US OPEN was in 1968. What was it before? What means for a tournament to be open? Were they closed before? Closed to what?




  1. it is an OPEN tournament to all competitors (in other words, whoever wants to join can,)

    Some tournaments are closed to an age group, from a specific country, etc.

  2. open as in anyone could join,

    but females and males have different tournament obviously

    open means no prerequisite to join the tournament, anyone can

    and before than, im guessing you needed a prerequisite to enter the tournament  

  3. open - no invitation needed

  4. In 1968 the professional players were allowed to play for the first time.   It is now open to amateurs and professionals, and that is the reason it is called an open.

    Edit:   You obviously cannot just go and play with no invitation as others are saying.    You have to be selected based on ranking, get a wild card, or go through qualifying play.   I stick with my answer above.

  5. Open means you do NOT need an invitation.

  6. it was "invitation" before, not all players can play like today, by ranking, etc.
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