
What does Obama plan to do when he(might) become president?

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list sum of tha stuff he wants 2 change...




  1. he is hitler with black skin.  he wants to raise taxes extensively.  he thinks he can unite this country when all he wants to do is take from white people.  he wants to change the course of politics when he is nothing but a typical politician himself.  anything that was created by white men, he wants to change.

  2. Obama's Campaign Promises:

    -$1.5 billion into research and the creation of new infrastructure to support renewable energy.

    -The creation of a time table for withdrawal from Iraq.

    -10, 000 more soldiers into Afghanistan.

    -A tax policy that will benefit (i.e lessen the burden as opposed to McCain's plan) all citizens making under $120, 000 annually. While increasing taxes on anyone making over that.

    -Reaching across the aisle, as we can see with what we did on the Telecom Bill.

    -Increasing the scope of medicare to include more people.

    -Paying down the multi-trillion dollar debt.

  3. He talks a lot about what he will change but I will believe it when I see it.. as far as I am concerned.. he's like everyone else.. he will be elected, collect his $400,000, sit at his desk, prop up his feet and not do a dang thing

  4. Ruin the United States.  Read his books "From My Father" and "Audacity of Hope" and then ask your question.

  5. You can find all of his policy stands at

    It's non-profit and non-partisan.  In fact, John McCain, Gerald Ford, Barry Goldwater, and Jimmy Carter are among the 40 current and former leaders who took part in creating it.

    By the way, the Heritage Foundation is not the source you want if you want non-partisan information.  The Heritage Foundation has its own agenda.  So does, which is why it wouldn't be the site you would want to rely on when checking for information on McCain's positions.

  6. ummm....... change he likes change ,he will change things for the sake of changing things sounds great .huh

  7. Invade Pakistan apparently

  8. socialized health care

    get us out of Iraq



    he talks a lot about change

    however how he plans to change certain things... i have no idea.  most likely the old stand by of raising taxes,

  9. Global Poverty Act- Tax on Americans to help the economy of poor countries

    Increase to the capital gains tax- from 15% to 28% (effects anyone who owns/sells a car or a house)

    Nationalized health care- he did not specify how he will be paying for it yet, or what/who will be effected.

    Besides Obama's socialistic leanings, McCain and Obama (well the Obama after the primaries) have simular stances on most issues, and socialism or socistic leanings is something I'm against.

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