
What does P&S mean?????

by  |  earlier

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I see people use it all the time and I hope I don't seem stupid for asking.




  1. It stands for polls and surveys =)

  2. people&stupids

  3. Rank Abbr. Meaning

    ****** P&S Products & Services

    ****** P&S Plain and Simple

    ****** P&S Primary and Secondary

    ***** P&S Point and Shoot (camera)

    ***** P&S Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University)

    ***** P&S Purchase and Sale (trading)

    ***** P&S Pan-And-Scan (movie formats)

    ***** P&S Plans and Specifications (USACE)

    ***** P&S Planning and Scheduling

    **** P&S Principles and Standards (USACE)

    **** P&S Publish & Subscribe

    **** P&S Polls & Surveys

    **** P&S Port & Starboard

    **** P&S Procedures and Systems

    *** P&S Permanent and Stationary

    *** P&S Physics and Society

    ** P&S Production and Surveillance (US DOE)

    ** P&S Pittsburgh and Shawmut Railroad Company (also abbreviated as PS)

  4. Poll's and Surveys. <}:-})

  5. Usually it means Polls&Surveys.

    I like Pretty&Shiney, as in stars..

  6. Polls & Surveys

  7. i think...poo and sh..nevermind

  8. P&S

    8 up, 3 downlove ithate it

    Polls and Surveys. More specifically, the Polls and Surveys section of Yahoo Answers. This section is one of the most laid back sections on the whole website. There you can find out things as informative as "Who will win the 2008 election?" Or something as silly as "Boxers or Briefs?" Just about anything goes in P&S, but as a consequence, regulars of the section have lost the ability to gain Top Contributor status. That's okay. The most loyal P&S users will not allow anything like a silly orange badge keep them from their other loyal friends.

    See also their rival section Religion and Spirituality(R&S).

    What should I ask in P&S today? I think I will ask a series of "would you rather" questions, and finish with a nice "This or that question" Then I will extend the answering period to a week, and let the voters pick the Best Answer. Ia m twelve after all and cannot be bothered with such silly matters as choosing my own Best Answer

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