
What does PNR stands for?Which are written in Railway Ticket like PNR No.?

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PNR stands for what? P for what? N for What? and R for what?




  1. yup, Passenger Name Record.

    a PNR actually has some legal standing as well.  a pnr does include passenger names and itineraries, but also contain payment info and credit card numbers, ticket numbers and exchanges, special service requests such as for handicapped people, phone numbers, and much much more.

    any international itineraries for airlines, amtrak, viarail, etc, have additional info fields for dates of birth for each passenger, passport numbers and citizenship codes as well.

    wikipedia has a great explanation that breaks it down well to explain it for non-transport workers.  i included a snip below.

    Parts of a PNR

    From a technical point, there are five parts of a PNR required before the booking can be completed. They are

    The full name of the passenger(s).

    Contact details for the travel agent or airline office.

    Ticketing details, either a ticket number or a ticketing time limit.

    Itinerary of at least one segment, which must be the same for all passengers listed.

    Name of the person making the booking.

    Once the booking has been completed to this level, the CRS system will issue a unique alpha-numeric record locator, which will remain the same regardless of any further changes made (except if a multi-person PNR is split). The airline(s) involved will also issue their own references, which will remain as a note in the booking.

    While the above list is the minimum requirement, there is a considerable amount of other information required by both the airlines and the travel agent to ensure efficient travel. These include,

    Fare details, and any restrictions that may apply to the ticket.

    The form of payment used, as this will usually restrict any refund if the ticket is not used.

    Further contact details, such as phone contact numbers at their home address and intended destination.

    Age details if it is relevant to the travel, eg, unaccompanied children or elderly passengers requiring assistance.

    Frequent flyer data.

    "Special Service Requests" (SSR) such as special meal requirements, seating preferences, and other similar requests.

    "Other special instructions" (OSI), comments which are passed on to ground-staff to enable them to assist the passenger.

    In more recent times, many governments now require further information to be included to assist investigators tracing criminals or terrorists. These requirements give rise to some of the privacy concerns listed below. These include,

    Passengers' full names. (Prior to 9/11, most airlines only used an initial letter and family name).

    Passport details- nationality, number, and date of expiry.

    Date and place of birth.

    During exchange of a ticket, the PNR will have the following items

    ME - Exchange ticket number

    MO - Original ticket/document number

    MF - Form of payment for exchange.

  2. It may depend on what country you are in. Since you didn't say, I will just guess something like Pakistan National Railroad.

    Everest, what country do they do this in? I've never seen it on a ticket I've bought in Germany.

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