
What does Palin's pregnant teen gotta do with it?

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Whats up with this? McCain had nothing to say about it!?! all?




  1. It has absolutely nothing to do with the election... has everything to do with the hypocritical posturing the repub party does in claiming it is the "family values" party.

    I hope this is clear for you now.

  2. Yes he's known about it and it might affect his race. I don't know why we can't have any reasonable candidates. There's a lot of dirt on everyone.

  3. It's not about the teen, it's all about Palin and her failure to set a good example. There is no reason that she should go around acting like she is Heather Wholesome and she can't even keep her daughter out of harm's way. Now what kind of half-****** example is that for American teenaged girls?

  4. with the election? Nothing.  with the misguided support of abstinence only by the republicans? everything

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