
What does Palin mean by "Keep up the good work" in this video?

by Guest62255  |  earlier

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This is Sarah Palin's address to the Alaskan Independence Party convention, recorded just a few months ago:

This is a quote of Joe Vogler, the founder of that party:

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

The slogan of the AIP is "Alaska First, Alaska Always"

How is it possible for a patriotic Republican to vote McCain, who pcked a VP telling the AIP Convention "Keep up the good work"?

What's their good work? Supporting the seccesion of Alaska from the United States?




  1. So Alaska has the hardest working people?  d**n, what does that say about the rest of the country?  She should be President of Alaska.

    That seems to be the only place she is interested in.

    McCain/Palin Change that won't happen

    Country First

    Obama/Biden 08  

  2. LOL!  You guys are laughable.  Yesterday you were proclaiming confidently that she was a member of that party....until her voter registration records came out, showing she's a life-long Republican.  OOPSIE, that one didn't now you're saying "Oh yeah, well she told them "keep up the good work!"  Every governor sends videos to major conferences that happen in their state.  I was at a Pentecostal conference a couple years ago and the governor said something similar. Does that make him a Pentecostal? No, it's  one of his duties

    HERE'S  a better question:  What did she mean when she called them "the competition"?  Hmmmm....doesn't seem to be associating herself too much with THAT little line, does she?  HA HA guys are so funny.

  3. This is yet another aspect of Palin's methods of obtaining power.

    She pretends to care about something that matters to enough influential people in Alaska, and plays at their gatherings in hopes of skimming votes.

    I hope she is found to really believe this group's goals of independence for Alaska. I hope she's a real supporter.

    This will demonstrate to the rest of the nation what kind of person she really is behind her pathetic speeches to date.

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