
What does Palin pick say about McCain and inexperience to you?

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I mean she is 28 years younger and only two years as Alaska's governor. He is 72 and he picked the lady to be a heartbeat away from what is after all a wartime presidency?




  1. Wow!

    John McCain's VP choice is more shallow and superficial than Fox News reporting. McCain's VP choice is based on divisive gender politics - his only hope of winning in November is to persuade staunch Hillary supporters to vote for him based solely on the candidate's gender - rather than leadership.

    However, women who respect their own best interests will choose Obama and Biden who have a proven track record of standing up for women's issues - reproductive privacy, pay equity, freedom from violence and discrimination.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting your campaign before America's national security.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting this election before America's economic interests.

    Shame on you John McCain for demonstrating your lack of judgement

  2. John McCain has said it all: He is confused and not knowing how to beat Obama's astuteness, has now taken to playing a politics of gender division. It seemed to him that politics of fear will not after all work, now he has chosen to play another dice and to my mind in the strangest and most irreconcilable fashion. I mean, how could a McCain who has made inexperience and national security the bedrock of his ill-advised attacks on Obama now turn that argument on its head?? So what does that say about him? He has very poor judgment and despite his maverick image, is so inconsistent and does not think very deeply! America needs a president who among other things has got good and functioning intellect like Obama's and Biden's.

    By this decision, McCain should quit his presidential bid  

  3. Wow, Karl M said it all. To choose a VP to try and persuade us Hillary supporters simply on gender alone is truly irresponsible. It only makes me believe that he truly does have poor judgment.  

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