
What does Papua New Guinea look like?

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What does Papua New Guinea look like?




  1. It is an INCREDABLE country. I would know I am from there. The country is VERY not known about and has many negatives images about it that are just not true.

    There are montains, white sandy beaches, volcanos, rainforests, rivers, and you shud know its an island in the south pacific. there are beautiful people it is the most hetrogenious(most mixes of ethnicities) in the world. yeah you proly don't hear about that in the news. IT has the most cultures and languages in the world with 800 languages.

    There are all the nature things and people still living traditionally but there are also many modern cities such as port moresby, lae, madang, goroka, and mt hagen.(name a few)

    there are BEAUTIFUL palm trees along the coast, resturants amazying hotels and resorts, boarding schools, public schools, clothing stores, private beaches, colorful houses, etc.

    Papua new guinea offers everything and i mean that literally. it is beginning to get noticed by the outside world and australia is starting to get ignored about the lies it tells about PNG. IF you want to know anything else about papua new guinea please let me know.

  2. There is a map and information here:

    This site has images of the people and country side each area has its own heading on the left of the homepage:

  3. It is an island paradise. You will see brightly colored streets amid merrymakers everywhere. The hotels are lovely. And the price of a bucket of shrimp and a beer is about $3 AU.

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