"I have understood the population explosion intellectually for a long time." Paul R. Ehrlich
Eminent checkerboard butterfly geneticist and Professor Paul R. Ehrlich decided to broaden his standing so he wrote what can only be described as way out of his expertise, THE POPULATION BOMB, which basically said a third of humanity would all dead by now. And the two thirds left would be sick and dying and it was TOO LATE TO STOP NOW. He advocated forced vasectomies to luxury taxes on diapers. Those of you familiar with global warming will find this sales approach familiar. The carbon bomb, as some of you call it, has caused people to sweat over a 1 or maybe a three degree temperature rise in 100 years . Al Gore who flunked out of bible college is a big sweater is another guy who expertises something it usually takes study to master. And Al Gore thinks you should be taxed for corn and beef and cars and driving to work while he jets around the country buying carbon offsets from himself.