
What does Phi Alpha motto mean to Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity?

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  1. Guest59072

    I pledged Colorado Delta Chapter in 1955...Phi Alpha was a secret then and is the same secret today..some close on her but also nobody had given the meaning in Greek which is the tru Phi Alpha meaning..I'm near 80 now and not active for many years but that is one secret I will take to my grave..

    So Phi Alpha brothers and little sisters of's all safe with me.

  2. Guest44832


  3. Apparently it means "I'm a racist pig".

  4. Sorry Brothers and sisters (MARRIED TO BROTHERS). No answer posted on here is correct. I'm ashamed that my Brothers would post an answer on here, and STILL BE WRONG !!!! Clearly you didn't study the Ritual during your time as Pledges. If I were in your active chapter you would be blackballed. And yes, I can still do that. Ladies, nice try but you only received a small percentage of what Phi Alpha means. That's between you and your most significant other. If you don't like it, go marry a Delt. He'll tell you everything. Any SAE posting our ritual on this site or any other, heretofore will be considered for badge termination. Yours in the Bonds of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. R. Holbrook, Kentucky Epsilon Chapter, class of 1988, badge number 203934.


  5.  brighter from obscurity

  6.  The meaning of Phi Alpha is perhaps the best kept secret in the world of fraternities. The only way to learn its meaning is to become a brother of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Surf the web as much as you want, you wont find the true meaning of Phi Alpha. There is just to much to grasp and learn about. Some people just throw out random guesses. None are correct. It is just not possible to completely understand what Phi Alpha means.


  7.   It means "Knowledge from Within". if you notice minerva is at the top of our crest, who is the goddess of wisdom and anyone who reads our ritual book will come to understand a lot of what we learn is about making it our own and internalizing it to become true gentleman (which is why we have to memorize the true gentleman). sigma alpha epsilon means "neverending search for wisdom" similar to the minerva stuff and always be true to our ideals (and finding the truth); hence "true" gentleman. a lot of the other stuff on here has no backing behind it, just random phrases put together. some if it gets pretty close to the truth but you wont really understand it unless you take the steps through our PA week. if i gave an explicit answer it would take me a long time. I mean brother devotie didnt write the ritual in one night. If you want to know more, seriously join Sigma Alpha Epsilion. we have a great history and legacy and you'll more about yourself than just a phrase. Phi Alpha to my brothers.

  8.  phi alpha is more than just a phrase unfortunately no one on this site knows the true meaning of phi alpha its great to read all these crazy incorrect responses and for those adamant about discovering what phi alpha is pledge our beloved order without your brothers and without trials which truly test your character you will never come close to discovering what phi alpha means WE ARE TRUE! PHI ALPHA BROTHERS!

    Noblesse Oblige,

    John Johnson 291171

  9.  Only one right answer on here, and sorry women your husband lied to you... Phi Alpha

  10.  I'm a True Gentleman and you are a True c**t! Phi Alpha! 22797970

  11.  I'm a True Gentleman and you are a True c**t! Phi Alpha!

  12. nuthoney

  13. SAE is Συνδεσμος Αδελφων Εμμενος for

    "Everlasting Bond of Brothers".

    Secret Motto: Phi Alpha means:

    Φαιδροτης Ασαφεια

    "Brighter from Obscurity"

  14. Phi Alpha means "Brightness from Obscurity"

    That is the truth - regardless of what you see anywhere, Phi Alpha means "Brightness from Obscurity."

    I was engaged to an SAE from Texas and we got married 6 years ago. It took 9 years for him to tell me and I told him I would agree to name our son after his dad if he told me. He is a wonderful man and I know I am making a mistake by sharing this info, but I owe it to all those interested in the real meaning to finally have an answer.


    Phi Alpha = brightness from obscurity - look at the SAE shield and you will see the sun rising from the background. That is Phi Alpha.

  15. The lesson to be learned here is be wise when you are rushing new potential members, SAE is not for everyone, if your not cut out for it, its not a big deal there are plenty of other social groups you can join to occupy your time, but for the ones who do make it through and a brother says something that upsets you enough to post the meanings of our secrets I ask you to stop and think, not all brothers are the same, there are some good ones and bad ones just like in every other organization ever created and still exists in the world today.  By spreading rumors of secrets doesn't get back at them but only shows to the real brotherhood how immature you are with handling important information.  A True Gentleman always shines in the good times and the bad!  Phi Alpha 282329

  16. Becoming initiated and knowing the definition of Phi Alpha is only a part of it. To really truly understand its meaning you need to dedicate years of your life the brotherhood and after many times and trials will you actually learn its real meaning. You can't find it on the internet. You will find the definition, easily, lots of people get inititiated and become bad members and share what Phi Alpha means as a definition, but anyone who has actually discovered its meaning would die before sharing. ϕA287255ϕA

  17.  Unmoving Mind

  18.  lol... I will say this. I am an SAE, and there is one answer on here that is actually pretty correct. First place i've seen it. wow. haha Good thing theres a lot of wrong ones. 

  19. You guys are all Wrong. To all my brothers and pledges Phi Alpha, and to all GDI's leave our sacred meanings alone, cuz all these meanings are completely wrong.

    PA, 296219


  20. its not that big of a secret... it means: get money, f**k b*****s....

  21. Pussy Annihilator

  22.  brotherhood above all else

  23.  f**k phi alpha. darkness from obscurity. f**k all sae's   f**k PHI ALPHA

  24.  Brothers among all others is what it means 100% sure 

  25. like many people have said, it does not matter if you know what the phrase is that it represents, but you will not understand what it truly means unless you go through pledge term and initiation.  nnjjswat made it near impossible to completely grasp the meaning unless you were a brother and it has remained that way since 1856.  so stop looking for answers on the internet and become a true gentleman, pledge sae, and then maybe you will understand it and respect it like we all do.

    phi alpha brothers



  26. I love how not one answer on here is correct. Just got initiated last semester and I have to say this is pretty sad that people actually try and figure this stuff out instead of just trying to rush and finding out the meaningful way.

  27. Whatever...  Does it really matter?

  28. Wisdom from brotherhood.

  29. Search all you want, you will never reveal the secret. there is a reason that the meaning is ranked second best kept secret in the book of world records. Phi Alpha Boys. NM Phi

  30. it is brothers above all else

  31. <p>it is brothers above all else</p>

  32. I was initiated recently and I decided to see if the secrets were even on the internet, so far I haven't seen the right answer anywhere so you're wasting your time. And whoever said SAEs are bigots and homophobes.. my chapter has openly g*y brothers and brothers of most races, stop being so ignorant, you're just stereotyping an entire group. hm, I wonder who else would do that...

    And to all the brothers reading this, Phi Alpha

  33. As many have pointed out before, you may know what the words mean via literal translation, but the real reason Phi Alpha is one of our greatest secrets is because the overarching values behind the words are ingrained in literally almost EVERYTHING we're about.  There are things we do and actions we take that, when they go beyond the TG, follow the values of Phi Alpha.  There are some pieces of knowledge that could be shared to anyone, but that knowledge would prove to be utterly useless to that individual without proper training (pledge training and many years of brotherhood).

  34. This makes it even better when you have people trying to find out what it means. Everyone always wants to be like us but when they can't they hate on us. NO ONE BUT A INITIATED BROTHER will know what PHI ALPHA really means.

  35. Brighter from Obscurity

    The hand shake goes from an interlocking pinky finger to a normal handshake

  36.  I find it very funny seeing all of these GDIs trying to find out what our Phi Alpha means. No one will be able to guess  it, and even if you find out what it means it will mean absolutely nothing to you. Try and pledge our 12 week pledgeship of SAE and maybe.. just maybe you might find out what Phi Alpha means. Phi Alpha to my brothers 292667.

  37. my father is an SAE...this is one of the greatest things that he has kept from me.  i know the grip, the history, anything that you'd like to know, however i do not know phi alpha.  The only way you could completely understand phi alpha is to become a brother...its not just the meaning but its the feeling you get when you're with your brothers.  SAES are NOT bigots, homophobes or anything close to that.  I know plenty of SAEs who are also g*y.  That doesn't make you less of a person and being in a fraternity doesn't hurt you either!  Its networking.  You may know what it translates to for them....but there is a deeper meaning!

  38.  friendship and obscurity

  39.  To everyone that is in SAE facbook me:

    John Guth

    Kutztown Colony - getting chartered on sat 11/16 

    Be True.

  40. Phi = Fraternos (Brotherhood) Alpha = Aeterna (Forever). Phi Alpha means "Brotherhood Forever." It's not that big of a secret...

  41. Trust me, it is (1) obvious if you study their public face and (2) not that interesting or enlightening.  Most of the commenters have about the same point: it doesn't matter if you know (I'm not an SAE and I know what phi alpha means), because it won't mean as much to you without actually being a brother of that fraternity. 

    I always tell people it means Smoke em if you Got em.

  42. This is a word that means something greater than any simple man can understand. People who think they are better than other people really p**s me off. No one should speak against anyone or anything unless they have proof to defend themselves. For people dissing SAE, I suggest that it isn't worth it, because true brothers dont give a s**t because they know the true importance of life. I dont know what happened to this world, but being a pledge at SAE has taught me many great aspects of life. I reccomend going through pledgeship at SAE for any man who wants to become a True Gentleman.

    Five Apples to all brothers reading this

  43. well, from reading all of these responses, it seems to me that none of the people guessing are correct. and i'm sure this isn't a correct guess either, but i think i'd go with:  Phi Alpha = all men who can't spell (see becuz, pleadship, brohterhood), are bigots and homophobes are more than welcome to join!  

    Stupid SAE's...............

  44. hotpockets

  45. it means dont f****n worry about it douchebag...if you dont know what it means and you're trying to find out what it means on the internet then you're probably some f****t that got balled by the greatest fraternity in the world. keep your nose out of s**t that you shouldn't be messing with dumb a*s

  46. It means that SAE is better than you because you're not even a member but come online and go to forums and beg people to tell you... it means you will never know and don't deserve to know... and for what it's worth, out of curiosity/boredom, I've searched google many times to see if the real meaning had been leaked anywhere and I've never been able to find it

  47. It is pretty clear that it doesn't have a specific meaning.  If it did, some disgruntled 'brother' would have told by now.  I am not stupid enough to believe that every single member of SAE is smart enough to keep something important a secret.  I hung out with a few SAE guys in college, and it really, really pissed them off when I said it to them...hahahaha

  48. Ha ha. None of these are correct. You really need to re-prioritize your life.

  49. Lets play with each other's balls

  50. You will never be able to understand what Phi Alpha means unless you pledge and are initiated into our beloved brohterhood, and even if you do you still will not understand the full meaning of it without being a brother!  Phi Alpha to my brohters out there!

  51. holy friend forever!!

  52. Brothers above all else

  53. You will never know what Phi Alpha means without becoming a brother. Even if you were to somehow learn what Phi Alpha means, you would still never be able to fully grasp it's full meaning. Don't try, do something more productive than try to steal secrets.


  54. Greatness though living

  55. SAE is something none of you will understand, go through pleadship, initiate, pay your dues, and become a brother then worry about what Phi Alpha means. You can search the web all you want, noone has been close. PHI ALPHA IS SOMETHING NONE OF YOU WILL UNDERSTAND UNLESS A BROTHER OF OUR BELOVED FRATERNITY! SAE 28751

  56. Greatness to all

  57. Become a brother and find out what it means, Obviously no one knows......I find it hilarious that people attempt to spoil it all for SAE, but the thing is from everything I have came across, no one has gotten it right. Right now to me Phi Alpha stop attempting to find it out, becuz even if you do, you will never know what it all means....there is just no way, its too long of a process to much studying and learning to understand it completely.

    Why do you think it is one of the best kept secerts in Greek life. Becuz our 8 wise founders made it a long drawn out process to grasp it completly

    PHI ALPHA no one will find out what is means

  58. friendship always

  59. guiding wisdom

  60. pervasive wisdom

  61. Brighter from Obscurity

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