
What does Polonium-210 look like?

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And how might a container be labelled that has Polonium-210 in it?




  1. It is a metal. It would have a radiation symbol on it at the very least. I doubt you'd find it lying around any lab,

  2. Generally, radioactive materials for non-nuclear professional or civilian or instructive purposes come in plastic and/or rubber coated containers that resemble hockey pucks OR the material will be at the tip of a q-tip like stick, which is inserted into a tube. ALL of them will have very difficult to remove labels indicating the presence of radioactive material. If you should happen to have come across a container with any significant amount of Po-210 (or any other radioactive material, for that matter)-it would be unmistakable as to what it contains (even for the blind)-as it would be WELL-labeled. However, judging by the way in which your question was posed, I would find this highly unlikely-as Po-210 is very radioactive and well-regulated and large quantities of it are only allowed in the presence of people who know exactly what it looks like, safety protocols, symbols, etc. Hope this helps.

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