
What does President Bush expect to do to help while he is in Louisiana???

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What does President Bush expect to do to help while he is in Louisiana???




  1. He wont need to help as much this time because unlike the dem gov during Katrina, Bobby Jindal actually did his job BEFORE the storm

  2. Buy votes for McCain by promising to unconstitutionally throw more money, stolen from working taxpayers, around.  America has already spent $1 BILLION/month since the last hurricanes.  When will enough be enough?

  3. get out of office faster. if any of his other past decisions are the bar he has to hold up to, hopefully nothing and put it in a thinking persons hands.

  4. Being on the scene. Better than being out to lunch.

  5. maybe he will do his ridiculous dance that he showed abroad to make the rain go away.

  6. pander just like all the dems demanded after Katrina.

  7. He's not going to Louisiana. He's keeping an eye on the situation and overseeing the Federal response from Texas.  

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