
What does President Bush think about Obama's speach?

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What does President Bush think about Obama's speach?




  1. Lets wait and see if he has anything to say after all.

  2. Man, I wish I could talk like that!!! :)

  3. probably hated it because he didnt talk about giving tax breaks to millionares

  4. ~ As soon as he calls me and let's me know what he thought of it, I'll get back to you.

  5. I'm certain he wasn't too happy about it. But hey, when you answer people who ask about the economy with 'hey, I'm not an economist', what does he expect?

  6. I doubt Bush cares.  He is about to retire and go back to Texas.

  7. Bush is probably considering shreading documents and burning White House tapes.  

  8. Since when does the Village Idiot from Crawford think???????????

  9. Ask him - what makes you think anyone here can know his thoughts - either one of them?

  10. What are you talking about???  Bush could not understand anything Obama was talking about.  LOL!!!!!  Bush an idiot.  

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