
What does Private schools in South Africa cost these days? In Particular German Private schools?

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What does Private schools in South Africa cost these days? In Particular German Private schools?




  1. Wouldn't you be looking in Germany for German schools?

  2. I'n not sure what the German School charges, but I think they are subsidised by the Geman government.

    An average private school charges around R25000 - R40000 per year.

    The Elite schools cost upwards of R100000 per year (Full board).

    A top state aided school of similar quality to a private school will cost around R10000 per year.

  3. There are German private schools in Cape Town, Johanneburg, Pretoria and Durban (maybe more).  Here's the website of the one in Johannesburg - they have the 2008 school fees in .pdf format (this will probably vary per city).  

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