
What does QUEEN ELIZABETH carry in her ever-present purse ?

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i mean the British Queen has ladies-in-waiting who cater to her every need, so why she needs her purse all the times ? thanks. SANAT.




  1. make-up, a copy of her speech, and an american flip cellphone.

  2. Even a Queen needs certain personal accessories. Should we be inquisitive enough to be nosey about the contents of the purse of a Queen.

  3. Her hand-bag is actually empty. Her Majesty carries one as an accessory to complement her outfit.

  4. It's probably where she keeps her private stash !! LMAO!!!

  5. A gun probably, her pet ferret Diego maybe.

  6. a spare pair of tights a lipstick and a handy honest

  7. She doesn't have a purse because she doesn't ever carry cash.

    Going around with loads of pictures of your self is very vain.

  8. I presume you mean handbag.  Her Majesty is usually seen holding a handbag, though apparently there isn't much in it. She uses it for poise.  If you look at pictures of the Coronation, you will see that Her Britannic Majesty is holding a small handbag.

    P.S. Her Majesty is known simply as " The Queen".  When you have a doyen of a Monarch who is world famous, it isn't necessary to wear Her name out. On a visit to Holland a while ago, the Dutch radio referred to The Queen as the "Queen of Queens"!

  9. a large wod of tax payers money... bring on the Republic!!!!!!!

  10. This was answered in the most recent Parade Magazine (the question was written the exact way you worded it....):

    According to reports, she carries good-luck charms, family photos, treats for her corgis, crosswords cut out by her staff and a makeup case—a wedding gift from her husband.

    It's a bit of a security blanket, if you will. Nothing absolutely necessary, but still pretty and carries things that she wants with her.

  11. it is know to some that their is the same thing in her purse that most women have in it, lipstick, cell phone, and also mace. she then also has a big bag of corgy treats for all of her little corgies.

  12. i think someone has asked this before, I'm not sure but a compact and perhaps a handkerchief.

  13. a rampant rabbit, phil the greek's not up to it lately.

  14. condoms

  15. Her Majesty does use her handbag as a security blanket. She carries it with her throughout the day as she moves from one room of the palace to another. She is rarely photographed without a handbag. All tables and her desk at Buckingham Palace and other royal residences are equipped with special hooks on which the Queen may hang her ubiquitous handbag. Finally, the Queen never uses a shoulder bag or clutch bag as these make shaking hands and accepting flowers awkward.

    It's not only what's inside the monarch's bags that is significant, but the bag itself, for she uses it to communicate with her staff in a very subtle manner. Before dining with the Queen, a point is made to inform guests that dinner will end in about five minutes after she places her bag on the table top. On walkabouts, she holds the bag to one side to show she intends to move on, at which point a lady-in-waiting joins the conversation, allowing her to slip away without causing offence. When at a banquet, if the Queen's bag is placed on the floor, then it's a sign that she's not finding the conversation interesting, and wants nothing more than to escape. However, if the royal bag is dangling happily from the crook of her left arm, she is happy and relaxed.

    The Queen carries a comb, a handkerchief, a small gold compact, and a tube of lipstick in her handbag. The Queen does carry money on Sundays--a folded note of unknown denomination which she discreetly places in the collection plate. One thing that can always be found in the Queen's handbags is an S-shaped metal meat hook that she places on the dinner table's edge to suspend her bag from so that it doesn't touch the floor.

    Also to be found inside is a collection of good luck charms, including miniature dogs, horses, saddles and horsewhips - most of them gifts from her children, reports the Daily Express. Family photos are also present, the most treasured of which is a snap of Prince Andrew, from when he returned from the Falklands in 1982. Other things that the Queen never goes without are her mints, chocolate drops for her beloved corgis and a couple of crosswords, which her servants snip out of the papers for her. Also ever present is the metal make-up case, made by Prince Philip and presented to her as a wedding gift 60 years ago. And if there's still room in the bag she happens to be carrying, the Queen slips in a camera to take snaps to add to her private

  16. A... puppy... I suppose...

  17. Condoms ............Well she lives in hope

  18. To keep Crackpot Charlie in line ...

  19. super glue.......she has to keep her son charlie's ears glued back so he can walk through doorways without doing too much damage

  20. She probably just carries it for something to do with her hands.

  21. i dunno. what?

  22. Lipstick, powder compact, tissues, mobile phone, comb, Glock -45 G.A.P Power Trio handgun (just in case), iPod.

  23. A small revolver and some spare bullets.

    Youtube - Royal Channel. . . . .

  24. Cab fare, in case she gets left behind.

    Sorry, I actually stole that from Bette Midler...and that was a few years back.

    Really?  Lipstick, spare "tights" and, I hear, she used to carry a few coins to make a phone call, but nowadays, she carries her cellphone.  And probably some aspirin...I'm pretty sure there's the occasional ache or pain...I'm quite a few years younger than she, and I don't go far without a few painkillers.

  25. What's In The Queen's Handbag: And Other Royal Secrets reveals that though the 81-year-old monarch doesn't carry cash, keys or a passport - since she doesn't own one - her bag is far from empty. Inside are a collection of good luck charms given to her by her children, including miniature dogs, horses and saddles, plus family snaps. The most treasured of which is a photo of Prince Andrew on his safe return from the Falklands in 1982.

    Also inside the tote is a make-up case, given to her by Prince Philip as a wedding gift 60 years ago. It also houses an s-shaped metal meat hook which she places on the edge of the dinner table, from which to suspends her handbag, keeping it off the floor.

  26. Lipstick, a comb and a hanky.

  27. hairspray

  28. She carries her glasses,a handkerchief,a makeup case(a gift from Philip),family photos,sometimes a cell phone and change for Sunday Church collections. She has even known to carry treats for the corgis in her bag!Her children and grandchildren gave her some good luck charms as gifts;she carries these in her bag as well.

  29. Its just a woman thing. Even if she has ppl to cater to her she still needs a purse. She prolly has normal things in it like every other woman. Phone, makeup, money etc. She could also want to carry a purse to be fashionable. Even though she is royalty she still is a woman.

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