
What does R&R stand for??

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What does R&R stand for??




  1. Rolston & Rachunek

  2. Rest and relaxation.  

  3. Rocket Richard

  4. Rest & Relaxation

  5. Rum and Reefer  aka Rest and relaxation

  6. i dont know about all this rest and relaxation........ going back to my canadian roots, and as a St. Louis Blues fan, it stands for Rich & Rare, of which i drink a fifth of every game so i can sleep at night, beatuiful canadian whiskey

  7. Rest & Recreation, but asking this in the hockey section makes you Really Retarded

    R & R also stands for Rich & Rare a budget Canadian whisky (which I have yet to try)

  8. If you're drinking the whisky rough and rowdy.

  9. Rest and Relaxation

    Rants and Raves

    Rock and Roll

  10. Rest and Relaxsation

  11. rest and relaxation, i could use some right now.

  12. I am not sure about in hockey. I know it stands for Rest & Relaxation when people say they need some R&R

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