
What does RPM stand for and what is it?

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What does RPM stand for and what is it?




  1. Revolutions Per Minute. It tells you how fast your engine is turning.

  2. "Revs Per Minute" or just how many twirls your engine is going. There's always a 'red line' though, indicated on your rev counter, or tachometer. Don't exceed the limit, or you risk engine damage!

  3. RPM stands for revolutions per minute. it tells you how fast your engine is turning and increases or decreases during acceleration, fast speeding, changing gears. etc.

  4. i agree with other answers it is Rev (revolutions) per minute but they all related to cars forgetting that vinyl records way back were either, 33 l/3, 45 or 78 RPMs which relates the same revolutions per minute meaning of course the speed at which they were played so i guess it relates to speed for anything not just vehicles or records. that turn.

  5. For a car? Revolutions/rotations per minute. It tells you how fast your engine's spinning.

  6. R.P.M. awwww.... what a beautiful thing it is!!!  R.P.M. is many different things.  The R.P.M. you are probably speaking of is Revolutions Per Minute and it means, How many times a certain things Revolves Per Minute.  But not so fast... when I 'Googled'  R.P.M. I was enlightened to find that R.P.M. is many things including but not limited to a shipping company, RacePlaceMotorsports, a computer program, its even the name of a music band... several probably.  Anyhow, hope this helps.

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