
What does Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy have to do with anything?

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Didn't Al Gore's son get a DUI for going 90 down Interstate 95? I see, Al Gore was a man and Sarah Palin isn't.




  1. When you are in a party that constantly whines about family values and looks down on teen pregnancy (particularly minority teen pregnancy) and unwed mothers it says alot about a person's hypocrisy.

  2. Ad hominem

    consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.

    In laymans terms: Attack the person rather than thier argument in order to change the subject.

  3. Exactly! The media just wants gossip is all. I think her work record is whats important and I'm jazzed to see a family oriented, younger, go get-em girl!

  4. watch this

  5. What does Obama's church preference have to do with anything????

    You can dish it but not take it?? hmmmmm

  6. Its nothing an abortion can't fix.

  7. I agree!

    Unfortunately the Democrats & the liberal media will blow it up & make a big deal out of it because that is what they do best.

    The thing they need to realize is that when you point a finger, there are always 3 more pointed back at you!

    Governor Palin is a strong, intelligent & capable woman & that scares the tar out of some people.  Her daughter is 17.  She is not the first or the last unmarried young woman to get pregnant & had her mom not been tapped for the Rep. VP, NOBODY would have even known or cared about it.


    Inked:  You have got to be kidding!  Obama's choice to attend a church for 20 yrs. who is run by a screaming racist, who then talked against Obama & who Obama denounced ONLY when he thought his association with HIS church would hurt his chances in the election PROVES what kind of a person he is & the fact that he will denounce HIS CHURCH & lie about how he NEVER heard any racist remarks from his preacher.....THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES about what kind of a man Obama is.

    The fact that a 17 year old young woman got pregnant is NOTHING!!!  Compared to being a liar, racist who can't even get his own family facts right.

    This is from Obama's own mouth!!!

      Last March, on the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in Selma, Alabama, he claimed his parents united as a direct result of the civil rights movement: “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.”  Obama was born in 1961. The Selma march took place in 1965.


    By the way....All of you who say that this shows that she didn't do her job as a mom.....B.S.  I went to school with a girl who's mom was a Minister.  She dropped out of school in her Junior year because she got pregnant.  Parents can ONLY do their best. Most kids are taught values & morals, etc. but they also have BRAINS & they are able think for themselves due to free will & make decisions for themselves.  Those choices are NOT always the correct ones, what would you rather parents do?  Take their kids to school, follow them to all of their classes for 12 years, then bring them home & chain them in their rooms so they cannot make a bad decision??

    Look back at your beloved Democrats & then look at how many fingers are pointing back at you while you are pointing one at Gov. Palin.

  8. Hey Inked, the reason for his  church being such a HUGE issue is that it promotes RACISM!!!! Her kid having s*x was her kids doing not hers!

    To be honest is just solidifies the conservative viewpoint of abortion. Let talk about her son going to Iraq instead.

  9. of course if she were a he everything would be alright, it would be boys being boys, but girls cant do anything without being judged, not only her but her parents as well, at least shes keeping the baby and marrying the father, she could have just had an abortion and no one would be the wiser. l think she has a lot of courage and l for one wish her and her baby the best.

  10. Sarah Palin gets FAT when pregnant - video

    "party girl" Bristol Palin photo

  11. No that's not it at all.  Al Gore was a Democrat and Sarah Palin isn't.

    No though, her daughter's pregnancy has nothing to do with anything in this election.  I think the problem is that people have nothing else to attack her on or else they would be going after her on real issues.

  12. Sure Gore's son got arrested last year..  As he is not a candidate for any office, then please explain why anyone should care.

  13. part of this is funny... because the way conservatives view things...

    the mother is the one who should look after the children while the man should be the one working...

    so mother's probably do bare more responsibility, fair or not... as far as how society sees it...

    I've heard time and time again that conservatives say s*x education should be taught in the home and if every parent did their job, teen pregnancies would all but be a thing of the past....

    statements like that basically place a huge responsibility on parents... and if she's responsible... then it could, in some people's minds, affect how she will govern...

    you can't just forget conservative ideology when it doesn't fit your needs anymore...

    oh, and cons gave gore a hard time... I remember, even though he wasn't even in office when it happened....  

  14. Didn't Kennedy kill Mary Jo....her pregnancy has nothing to do with it!

  15. It has nothing to do with anything. Just like Barak's single mom who was underage when she got pregnant has nothing to do with anything.

    Really, neither has anything to do with anything and we should just 'move on', as they say.

  16. sarah palin claims to be a "family values" conservative republican. If she can't raise he own daughter to grown up with morals and responsibility enough to not get pregnant out of wedlock while still in her teens, what else will she fail at?

  17. It has nothing to do with this election.  The left is being ridiculous.  I am 21 years old and most everyone i know has had s*x. They are not married. My point is that most people have s*x before they are married nowadays. Maybe all these people criticizing Sarah Palin and her daughter are over the age of 40 and therefore think its bad.

    I want to ask you, did you have s*x before you were married? If so, then i guess you are as much of a w***e as Palin must be. Oh and your parents must have such bad values as well.

    Come on people. I know very nice girls who have gotten pregnant. Oh and many of them were on contraceptives, but things still happen.  Even on birth control, which Sarah Palin supports if you did not know.  I'm sure her daughter knew about using protection, but nothing is truly 100% effective when you are having s*x.

    There are things that point to a candidates character, but i do not feel this is one of them. Obama not supporting his half-brother is certainly one that does.

  18. Bristol's pregnancy questions Sarah Palin's character and parenting skills, or lack there of.  If Sarah Palin is so into family values and morals, then her teenage daughter's pregnancy is one flaw that is scrutinized.  Where was Ms. Alaska when her teenage daughter was out having a grand old time?  Doesn't she sit down and heave mother/daughter chats about s*x, protection, and pregnancy?  As a MOTHER, Ms. Alaska is someone I do not look up to and admire as a role model and certainly not as a representative of my country & values.

  19. Nothing.

    I don't think that it is any indication of what kind of person Sarah Palin is, and it isn't like her daughter is the one who chosen for VP.

    Yeah yeah yeah, the right is being hypocritical, blah blah blah. But after all of the hypocrisy that the left shows day after day, I don't see this as being that big of a deal.

  20. Her pregnancy shows that not teaching prevention doesn't work.

  21. Families should be off limits.

    But we do need to look at what Sarah Palin has done here.

    Firstly, with 5 kids to look after, and a working husband, she has chosen to take up a demanding political career above the needs of her own family. Looking after 5 kids is not easy - she's stretching herself in too many directions. Something will go wrong.

    Secondly, in recently accepting the VP offer from McCain, she has chosen to put her young pregnant daughter under the media spotlight, preferring to further her own career. If she had ambitions, she should have deferred them for her daughter's sake.

    Thirdly, many Republicans are going to be deeply embarrassed by this. They have worked hard, tirelessly, to promote Republican values, and within a couple days she's got problems to share (I bet I know what Bush thinks of her).

    Finally, many women choose not to have children so they can dedicate themselves to their career. Fine. But Palin is trying to have both – a family of five children  -  and a demanding career.

    She’s stretched in too many directions.

    Palin has brought this issue on herself and the Republican party.

    Family commitments come first.

  22. It doesn't. Libs have got nothing else.

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