
What does Stephen Spender mean by history theirs whose language is the sun in hs poem an elementary school classroom in a slum?

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  1.  best o luck for ol ma frens for english board 2moro...:)

  2. i think it rather means that those who live life outdoors  rather than in the confines of the slum , are the ones who are successful , by virtue of having more experience of the real world.

  3. it means the slum ppl are always suppressed. Its only those ppl who r enlightened created a history.

  4. sun is a symbol of grace and light of god.
    it refers to the light of education. The author feels that it is education alone that can  outshine them to break free from the constraints of life.

  5. The poets means that only those people make history who are enlightened like the sun by the light of education.
    This light would burn away the fog which has otherwise doomed the slum childrens' fate.
    Up to now they have been living the life designed for them by the upper classes; now they will write their own history

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