
What does Taro Root taste Like?

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I was given an assignment to go eat some taro root by taking it boiling it peeling it then eating it, but can't find it anywhere. Can someone help explain the taste? and how to cook it?




  1. You can find taro at most Asian supermarkets.  There are many recipes if you use google, but the most simple way is to peel it and boil it in hot water or cut it up and stick it in a oven (till it turns golden brown), kinda like eating a potato.

  2. It has very little taste, much like a potato.  The texture is a bit coarser, though.

    It can be cooked in many ways - added to soups, stir-fry, boiled, or even baked.

  3. The only taro root I've had is in a stir-fry at a local vegetarian place.  It doesn't have much flavor, and the texture is similar to that of a sweet potato--a tad mushy, but with a bit of resistance.

    I'm sorry, but I've never seen it at a local grocery store (a Spanish grocer might carry it), nor have I ever cooked it.

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