
What does VOP stand for?

by  |  earlier

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Any sort of help would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. Voice over Packet

  2. I did a search in Yahoo, and came up with "Voice Of Prophecy". If this is not it, can you put it in some type of context?

  3. violation of probation is the only thing that comes to mind


    VOP Variation of Parameters (differential equations)

    VoP Variation of Price

    VOP Velocity of Propagation

    VOP Vendor On Premises

    VOP Vendor Original Promise (Sprint)

    VOP Very Old People

    VOP Victims Of Pleasure (band)

    VOP Video Object Plane

    VOP Violate Order of Protection (criminal justice)

    VOP Violation of Parole

    VOP Violation of Probation

    VOP Viscous Oil Pump

    VOP Voice of People

    VOP Voice of Prophecy

    VoP Voice of the Process

    VOP Voice Over Packet

    VOP Voice-Operator (IRC)

    VoP Vow of Poverty (gaming)

    VOP Video Object Planes

    VOP Video Output Port

    VOP Virtual Operation

  4. Perhaps you mean GOP?  Which stands for "Grand Old Party" - i.e. the Republicans.

  5. Very Omportant Person.... duh!

  6. violation of order of protection

  7. It means  "learn to check" for quick and easy answers.  Not always correct but it sure is handy quite often.

    Violation of Parole is I think the version you're looking for.  

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