
What does Venus in Cancer, sun and venus in sixth house mean?

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I'm also a Cancer descendant and for some reason, I don't feel a strong need to bond with others, but based on what I have read on the net, many astrologers seem to think that Cancer descendant natives are likely to seek partnerships quickly as a result of exterme loneliness. I just want an explanation to the charateristics of Venus in cancer and Sun and Venus in 6th house.




  1. Venus in Cancer...

    In watery Cancer, Venus is both romantic and sensible. Venus can become a little too attached to people and possesions, but security is important to people with Venus and Cancer, so they're not likely to rush into anything. When they do feel secure, thought , they are sensitive and loyal. and make everyone feel at home. If they don't have a home to take care of, they'll care for the world. For this reasons and more. Venus in Cancer is a nurturing love...

    Venus in the sixth house...

    Venus in the sixth gouse wants harmony and good relationship on the job front... This is a good placement for councellor, arbitrators,  and health care workers. or prefer to work in jobs associated with artistic pursuits, or areas that are very social. Also found in people who work with or for women..There might be social connection-to marriage partner-meeting people through work. This placemet indicates good health in general, but there can be a tendency to overindulge..

  2. simply put, Venus and Sun in Cancer in the 6th is a strong desire to serve and help others.

  3. I have venus in Cancer (sun and moon in the 7th house)

    I get extremely lonely when not in a relationship or when my current relationship isn't doing very well.  I get clingy when I feel rejected. Maybe it's my Virgo side, but I worry a lot about my boyfriend leaving me and it breaks my heart.  I probably stress him out with my insecurities but I can't help it.  I need a lot of reassurance that he loves me and that he always will.  

    VENUS IN CANCER- Venus in the cardinal Water sign of Cancer indicates that in your relationships, you seek a deep sense of emotional sharing with another person. The fear of being hurt will cause you to hide behind an outer shell of apparent coolness until you feel secure enough to express your true feelings. When you do, however, you are sensitive and caring but may overdo it and emotionally smother the other person. Your approach to matters of love is deeply linked to your need for a home and security. This is not to say that this is all that you are looking for, it is just that you will find it difficult to relate emotionally to another person unless these needs are satisfied.

    Venus in Cancer - What You're Like...:

    You come across as caring, emotionally perceptive and a good listener. You've got a sentimental heart, and like to nurture your friends and partner. You're at your best when you feel safe, because that's when your personality unfolds into its full expression. At home, you like to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere where all your loved ones feel welcome.

    Venus in the 6th - Venus in the sixth house

    With Venus in the Sixth House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are in establishing a happy and harmonious work environment through friendly relations with colleagues. Romantic and social activities may revolve around your working environment. You are generally well-liked and respected socially, although, on occasion, you can be overly critical - you will not tolerate any coarse or incorrect social behaviour from others.

    VENUS IN 6th HOUSE - With Venus in the 6th house of your chart, you will seek a work situation that is harmonious and creative, although if there are difficult aspects to Venus in this house you may have difficulty in creating the situation you desire. You feel that if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well, but you may find that while you are striving for perfection in what you do, you are overtaken by competitors who are prepared to accept less than the best.

    Your relationship with the physical body is important, this placing strengthens your general health, but you may find that many of your physical problems or minor illnesses result from over-indulgence or lack of self-discipline in some area of your life.

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