
What does Wal-Mart do with returned items?

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I bought a wiimote and it didn't work. What will walmart do with the the returned wiimote? It is open because i had opened it to see if it worked.




  1. return them to the manufacture for credit

  2. When Wal-Mart get's a returned item, they put it in a small box and ship it back to the company which manufactured it. Part of the barcode is information on who specifically spent the most time on the development of that one item. When it is returned to the employee that created it, they are beaten with the formula X=Y*(d^2) where x is the number of times they'll be whipped, y is the cost of the shipping and handling, and d is the number of items that were returned. Happy shopping ^_^  

  3. If its an expensive or reusable item, it will typically be shipped out to a Walmart distribution center which deals strictly with returns.  It, in turn, sorts everything and ships it back to the appropriate manufacturer, vendor, or whatever for credit.

    If it is a cheap item, or not reusable, typically Walmart will either just submit a claim to the manufacturer and the manufacturer will reimburse them.  

    However, sometimes items are sold by the manufacturer with a deduction for claims already built into the price.  For example:  XYZ corporation is selling bags of $3 candy. So they make a deal with Walmart to sell them the bags of candy for only $2.80; however, Walmart agrees to eat all the returns.

    Or sometimes, Walmart will demand such a low price that the manufacturer agrees but only on the agreement that no return credits will be issued.  

    It's a little more complicated than this, but that's the majority of how it works in a nutshell.

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