
What does Warren Buffet say about the best time to sell stocks?

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What does Warren Buffet say about the best time to sell stocks?




  1. Basically never unless there is a major change in the business model.

    Not practical for most individual investors. You can't possibly do the research he does. You can try to buy a berkshire share of stock, I think it is in the 100k range for one share.

    Alternatively, you can take a shorter time frame and trade on your own. There are lots of good education sources out there and also stock pick newsletters, of which some are helpful.

  2. "Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years."  Warren Buffett

    "Our favorite holding period is forever." Warren Buffett

  3. "When everybody is buying, you sell. When everybody is selling, you buy."

    "When your grandma talks about IPOs, it is time to sell."

    For buying, Warren Buffet chooses stocks solely on the basis of their overall potential as a company. This is what Buffet looks for in a company:

        * Stock prices are unjustifiably low.

        * Company profits are constantly increasing.

        * The company is performing consistently well.

        * Overall, the company has a bright future.

  4. Pretty much never.  Unless the economics of the business change.  If a company loses their competitive advantage.

  5. He doesn't.  

    He's a buy and hold investor.   Had he sold some of his investments when the market appeared depressing or when companies were having trouble, he would propably have ten time as much money as he has.

    Trying to emulate Warren Buffett in the present marlet with all the current investment tools and products is not the best the way to improve your net worth

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