
What does Wellbutrin do for you?

by  |  earlier

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I have social anxiety and depression. Just wondering if anyone who is taking this can tell me what it's done for you. Or, if there's any other suggestions before I go see the doc again.




  1. I have the exact same thing. Wellbutrin is sortof a "happy pill" as opposed to other antidepressants, it works differently. The problem you may have with it is that while it may improve your depression, it could actually make social anxiety worse. Im on it, but Im also on Zoloft. I have taken a million antidepressants for anxiety and nothing has worked as well as zoloft. I thought NOTHING could ever help my anxiety because I had tried so many medications. But now i hardly have any at all. Good Luck!!

  2. I took it once for depression.  It didn't do a single frickin thing.  It's useless c**p as far as I'm concerned.  I never did see a doctor again about depression.  It seems like everytime you go to a doctor, they're so scared of malpractice that they always give you some weak c**p that doesn't work.

  3. I lost a lot of weight 28 in 35.

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