
What does YCDBSOYA stand for or represent?

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My father passed away in 1990 and most recently, my stepmother was placed in a nursing facility. I had the pleasure of helping to liquidate some of the things my stepmother had acquired from my dad's personal belongings. One of which is a tie clip with the letters on it: YCDBSOYA. What does it stand for?




  1. You Can't Do Business Sitting On Your ***

    I think its from United Airlines

  2. You Can't Do Business Sitting On Your A s s - that saying must be a little more common than I thought.  My former boss had a tie with little donkeys all over it and those letters under each little donkey.  His tie and your father's tie clip are the only two instances of this expression I've encountered.  (Does the tie clip have a donkey on it, besides the lettering?)

  3. you can do better so on you are

    Y     C    D   B        S  O   Y     A

  4. You Can't Do Business Sitting On Your A** - or Armchair. Both are acceptable.

  5. You Can't Do Business Sitting On Your Armchair.

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