
What does a Assistant group Supervisor do at a daycare?

by  |  earlier

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do they like tell the children time for a snack and time for this and that? or does the GROUP SUPERVISOR actually tell you that its time for this and that?

looking for what the assistant group supervisor does, like do they plan things for the kids and such, or does the GROUP SUPERVISOR TELL THE assistant to do so?





  1. The supervisor,supervises,what goes on,and if he doesn't like it,he changes it.Sees if something is wrong fixes it.

  2. this is all going to depend on the team. do the group supervisor and assistant supervisor work together as a team? that is the most effective way to opporate in a daycare setting. the group supervisor is technically supposed to 'run' the classroom. but the assistant usually is just as important to the classroom running smoothly.

    in my experience, whoever doesn't have their hands full grabs snack or does this or that. the main thing is to work TOGETHER as a team.

    in PA, the technical difference between being able to be a group vs assistant group supervisor is your level of education.  here's a website to the pennsylvania code and it describes who needs what to have each title:

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