
What does a CFL light bulb looks like?

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I noticed that one of my light bulb broke yesterday (just a small piece broke). It's the spiral type so I thought it was a CFL light bulb. But then I read that CFL light bulbs have those really bright white color. Mine is just dark yellow. So do you think my light bulb is a CFL light bulb? =/

Thanks <3




  1. Compact fluorescent bulbs come in any color.  Yellow &quot;bug light&quot; CFLs are becoming relatively common.  &quot;White&quot; CFLs come in a variety of color temperatures, from a slightly yellowish 2700K to a very bluish 6000K.  Also, the color of light produced will change over the life of a bulb.  Bulbs with a color temperature of 2700K often become much more yellow toward the end of their lives, and the glass itself can sometimes become stained a yellowish or brownish color from the combination of heat and dust or smoke in the air.

  2. all of my cfls are bright white... none are dark yellow - but maybe it still might be?  

    If you broke it though, you should totally get it out of your house.  they often contain gases that cause them to light up like that.

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