
What does a Marine with a financial MOS do?

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What is a typical day like for a Marine who has a financial MOS like 3404? If you are deployed, what exactly do you do?




  1. Financial Managment Officer, basically manages appropriated funds while ascertaining the validity of disbrusments and the collection of public funds. Basically, in a nutshell what this means is, If anyone fills out a reimbursment claim form, a travel claim, DITY move claim, ANYTHING to do with money, needs to be validated and signed off on. That would be the FMO's job. If you have a battalion that is fundraising, all the funds they collect would also have to have your seal of approval on. Reason being, if MCCS is funding (giving appropriated funds) to the battalion, they are not allowed to recieve funds (from the public) over a certain amount. Anything to do with money, will need to go thru your office. As for your other question, true every Marine has the possibility (more likely then not) of deploying, but this isin't really an MOS thats in the "hotseat" right now. We don't exactly need you to work out a budget for the Iraqui people, but if you do deploy, I'd imagine you'd be utilizing your "rifleman first" skills.

  2. have fun !

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