
What does a Mexican has to do to travel to Canada if he has never travelled before?

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What does a Mexican has to do to travel to Canada if he has never travelled before?




  1. better have a pass port

  2. He will need to apply for and receive a Mexican passport at the nearest passport office. See  1st site below.  He may visit in Canada for up to 6 months without a visa, but not work.  If he wishes to work in Canada, he needs to apply for a work visa.  See 2nd site.  Even if he is only visiting in Canada , he will need to be able to convince the immigration officer that you have enough money to support himself during your visit and that he will return to his home when his time is up.  He will decide how much time to allow you in Canada.  See 3rd site.  Also, if going to Canada to visit a specific person, he should carry a letter of invitation from that person...with names address, approx. planned dates of the visit, where he will stay, etc.

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