
What does a Mucus Plug look like??

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I'm wondering what it looks like because i'm 34 weeks and i was wondering if it was possible that i might of lost it already?




  1. it looks exactly like snot.  Might be a little yellow or greenish colored and maybe have a little blood in it.  You will know when you see it!

  2. Its all big clump of mucus that is protecting your uterus. Its like a gelatinous chunk of mucus.It can be passed through the v****a a week or two before the first real contractions or just as labor begins. Mine only came down 15mins before I gave birth too my son. He was born at 38 weeks.

  3. you can loose it all at once or over a period of time i was loosing mine for weeks b4 a gave birth- it looks like snot with blood in it ( sorry to be graphic ) but it does. it can vary in colour just depends not everone is the same,  

  4. It can be chunky mucusy brownish discharge, in my case it was only regular mucusy discharge tinged with brown.

    It is possible you lost it if you have seen this although some women dont notice that they lose it.

    (Bright red blood is never a great sign so that is something you would need to talk to your doctor about..)

    good luck!!!

  5. Pretty much like the stuff you blow onto a hankercheif. I doubt that you'd miss it if you lost it.

  6. You would know it when you see it... if in doubt see your doctor.

  7. About two weeks before I have birth I started to have a yellow mucus discharge. A week after that I had a big chunk of mucus with little streaks of blood in it. My doctor told me you can lose your mucus plug anywhere from a month before your due date. Well, one week after losing my mucus plug, I woke up to my water having broke. I wasn't having contractions and had to be induced. My daughter was 3 weeks and 6 days early. But all in all, my doctor said you could lose it up to a month in advance so its a possibilty you have already lost yours. Good luck!  

  8. when i lost mine i stood up from peeing and it fell out onto the floor lol (ya i know its gross...) it kinda reminded me of a jellyfish? u know but with out the long stinger things...) it was a weird color too...but that was from the meconium i think (thats when the baby goes potty before its born...ya gross again...). if you notice it being an abnormal color (green or brown) you should call your doctor because it could be meconium which can be dangerous for the baby.

    i lost my plug at 2pm my water broke right after and they had to induce me 16 hours later because i wasnt going into labor on my own. total labor=30 hours

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