
What does a Univesity like Oxford expect?

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other than a high average

what makes you stand out?




  1. In order to be admitted, candidates must show evidence of an appropriate educational background and good standards of literacy and numeracy.

    All applications are considered carefully on their individual merits and tutors consider academic achievements, predicted grades, candidates’ personal statements and academic references as well as any written work or written test that may be required as part of the application.

    What makes a student stand out? What Oxford really wants is someone who has a passion about their subject and is really enthusiastic besides having excellent grades. The course you have choosen needs to be about something you love and are willing to learn more about. You want to show them your true academic potential and that you would be successful at Oxford. I guess you'll need to find a way to express that if you want to stand out.

    You are not very specific, if you want need any more information, ask it in the additional details and I will try to help.

    Hope this helps, good luck.  :-)

  2. Without a doubt very good academics are the most important thing, but from my experience there are two other elements that Oxford looks for in an applicant.  The first is the individual's thought process - Oxford has a unique tutorial system and they need to know that your mind works in the right way to take advantage of that.  Unfortunately this is something you either have or you don't.

    The second element they like to see is a real passion for your subject and a knowledge base beyond that which is taught at school.  For example, I studied history at Oxford and having read history books throughout my life, at interview I was able to discuss periods of history that weren't usually taught at school.  If you want to study things like the sciences you should keep up to date with all of the main journals, whilst if you're interested in a more vocational area such as medicine you should look at getting some work experience in that area.

    One thing you might see from people on here is that a lot of extra-curricular activities are important.  As someone who went to Oxford I can assure you they're not!  Oxford is a highly academic institution and lots of extra-curriculars are looked down on as detracting from your academic studies.  They may be important for American universities, but they are not important for Oxford!

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