
What does a baby dream about?

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Having little to no life experience, what would he be able to dream of? And they sleep so much!




  1. Just a guess, but I'd say eating is in their dreams. Most of their little mouths move in a sucking motion when they are sleeping.

  2. Sometimes I think about that... And I ask myself.. Does he has God in his dreams??

  3. how old?...I'm sure it dreams of many things..even they say being in your womb....they cry because they are wet,hungry even in sleep...if they have been mistreated grandbaby would laugh and laugh in her sleep and it would be bell thats not gas

  4. how am we supposed to know. we arent babies.

  5. Baby dream most of times dream of their needs, warmth, food, and protection.

    When baby comes out, they are seeking for security.  They cry while sleeping may suggest that they are dreaming of lack of protection from mother.  

    Of course, only God knows exactly what they dream about.  Basically, that is their basic desire and basic need.

  6. People say angels come and visit them in thier dreams.

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