
What does a cross do when over your door?

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does it really keep evil out, or do you think it's just a reminder to live in a Godly way?




  1. the one of above my front door reminds me of his sacrifice when i come home or when i'm leavin there is one in my room to remind me when i sleep and when i wake and one in the hall to remind me during the day.

  2. Reminder....angels are for protection..

  3. Both. Roman Catholics, Lutherans (I'm Lutheran), Anglicans, and other more traditional Christians often ask their clergymen to pray over certain items and ask God's blessing on them, especially religious articles. The priest or pastor usually asks God to ''bless this symbol of faith and fill it with the light of Christ,'' or something very similar. The Crucifix I wear around my neck was blessed in this way.  

  4. its a sign of faith.  

  5. Same thing a Horseshoe does.  Collects dust.  

  6. keeps the vampires away....

    no just kidding.... I think a little of both, reminder and protection at the same time.

  7. It just hangs there..

  8. idk, but i have one.

  9. It makes my door ugly

  10. Beyond decoration, it does nothing.

  11. depends if its in my house.... if it is then its burning XD

  12. Give you a nasty concussion if it falls down.

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