
What does a developmental therapist do?

by Guest67076  |  earlier

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I was wondering what a developmental therapist does. What kind of degree do you need to have to get licensed? Anyone know?




  1. in my state they hire aides with a HS diploam and a years experience--to work as an actual therapist--you need a 4 year degree in special ed or related field with 1 years expereince with young childrenwith disabilities..

    basically-work on all developmental skills--gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, social, slef help, language---supported by speech, occupational, and physical therapists as needed

  2. Basically, you evaluate where a child is on the developmental spectrum using various tests.  Then, you provide therapy to kids or you create a plan to help the child catch up developmentally.  The link below gives a more detailed explanation.

    The job is very rewarding - I've only been a tutor for kids who were behind, but it's the most rewarding thing I've ever done. To see a child go from one place to another emotionally, socially, developmentally is simply amazing.

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