
What does a dove need when they first hatch?

by  |  earlier

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Omg Omg Omg. Im so excited this is crazy! okay so there was this dove nest across from my apartment and im only 16 so i dont know a thing about birds but so anyway being as curious as i am i decided to check out the eggs so i took 2 from the nest and brought them inside to have a look i then decided to do a little research on doves and there babies and learned i really should not have touched them! so it said its too late and i cant put them back now so i tried to make a homade nest with a lamp as the incubater... then i couldnt tell if they were even alive or abondoned and infertile so i got an exacto knife and cut one open very gently and inside the bird was opening and closing its mouth! it was alive but then i took it out of its veiny bubble thing and it died.... but it was so close to hatching! so now i got this other one and i need to know what it needs when it hatches! worms? flies? bugs? raw meat? celery??!? i hope this one is alive too!




  1. Please just return the egg to the nest. The doves are best suited for raising their own chicks and they will not reject the egg because you touched it.

    There are products on the market for hand rearing baby chicks, but it takes some experience to get the formula in the baby's stomach just right. If you put the tube in wrong, you could give it pneumonia.

    Really and truly the parents will take the baby back, so just put the egg back.


  2. Y ou must be an idiot. What makes you think you can do a better job of raising the babies than the parents can? Go ahead and toss the egg on the floor and for good measure stomp it twice. Then stick your thumb in your mouth and blow real hard. If you are lucky you head will pop out of your ****!

  3. It's not too late to put them back if you haven't cut into the other shell, they aren't like rabbits where the parents will push them out because they smell "people scent" on them. If you don't you're baby doves are probably going to die. The parents feed them a milky substance in their mouth. They do this for several months...the parents eat and regurgitate the food which is like this milky stuff. The babies put their beaks in the mom/dads mouth and drink it. They won't eat solid food for a month or so. The parents know exactly how many eggs they had and probably would like to have their babies back.

  4. Mum Dove will be the first thing the hatchling will need.

    But I suspect you have already killed the chicks

    Omg are you now feeling a bit more responsible and mature about the quality of life.

    The quickest way to kill a species of bird is to remove its eggs.  Shame on you.

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