
What does a dream about sextuplets and octuplets mean?

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In this dream there was a set of sextuplets or octuplets, I don't recall exactly. The first set was of girls and another set was of boys. Each set of children looked about 5-6 years old. Each girl in the set looked slightly different but the impression I got is that they were all sextuplets/octuplets. What could this dream mean?




  1. If you are not going through fertility treatments, or thinking about going through them, then I would say it is a dream about two extremely significant issues that you have continued to 'put off' on the back burner, rather than face.

    Just a guess. :)

  2. It is telling you whatever you are concerned about or think of getting , look at the number of times it is implying you have tried or will end up trying, it will ask you to keep trying as its showing you results in lots of ways.....could be about anything

  3. Did anything significant happen to you at ages 5, 6 or 8?  Usually when children show up in our dreams it's called our "inner child" and there is something that needs to be addressed.

    The fact there are so many of these children could indicate that you really have a lot of issues to resolve from your childhood.  Try to think back at these ages and you will probably remember something that happened that hasn't been dealt with.

  4. Is the number significant? Is there some question in your life right now to which the solution is six or eight?

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