
What does a fish go through ?

by Guest34373  |  earlier

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What does a fish go through when it is swallowed?

I was looking up goldfish videos on YouTube and was disgusted to find so many videos of people swallowing live fish. What happens to the fish? Do they get eaten alive in stomach acid? Die on the way down? Live for like an hour or what?




  1. i think they live till there in your stomach being digested by acid because its probly only like 5 seconds to get down your throat

  2. I dont think they would die instantly because one of my friends can regurgitate food and just to show off he swallowed a fish (i think it was a goldfish) and then he regurgitated the fish back up (about 10 seconds later) into his bowl and the fish was fine, but just a little shooken up. But if someone ever did swallow a fish i would think that it would live for not longer than 10 minutes. Hope that helped.

  3. they only live untill they reach the stomach acids. that would be like a minute maybe.

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