
What does a girl like about a boy?

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I was wondering, most guys want a girl just because she is hot and has big b***s, and want them for a s*x tool.

I like the looks, but also a good attitude is more important to me. I hate brats.

Anyways, I was wondering, what does a girl like about a boy. What makes a girl like a boy? Is the looks? Do looks matter?

Also, do girls think about s*x all the time? I know boys think about s*x a hundred times a day, but what do girls think?




  1. girls like a guy thats easy to talk to and get along with

    someone whos not shy and looks like they want something real out of the relationship other than hooking up and having s*x

    i know for a fact i dont think about s*x as much as guys however i do think that looks count but personality is a billion times more important

    dont be the guy that is known as a man w***e who sleeps with everyone he talks to

    thats the most unattractive thing  

  2. We tend to looks for a guy that we're able to talk to effortlessly. A guy that's not obsessive with the girl. Humor is just about on every girls list. Mostly, we like to feel protected by the guy.

    Girls think about s*x as much as guys do.  

  3. well this girl likes a straight g*y guy. a guy that loves to buy u floweres and is sensitive about ur feelings and is funny. looks definatley matter alot. but if u really like someone eventually they dont anymore. girls like guys that look mature they dont like 16 year olds that look 10 or act 10. and girls think about s*x just as much as guys do. at least once every 15 minutes. its just that they can hide it/.

  4. most girls do like the looks but a girl is looking for a boyfriend that is sweet and doesnt talk about s*x all the time, when you hug a girl, hug her waist, and hold her hand, girls like that, and yes girls do lthink about s*x, a lot, but that doesnt mean they want to do it and a lot of girls are impressed when you kiss them around your friends

    Hope I helped!

  5. girls like guys hair there eyes and if there cute they like that too, but it really depends on the guys personality, if hes a jerk, we hate them, if hes too pushy or bossy he wont last long, we usually like guys who are sweet and actually care, a lot of girls like funny guys too. and to your last question, yes most girls do haha they just dont like to admit it

  6. when it comes to men, i like a man who is easy going and has a great sense of humor. i love a man that can keep me safe and who treats me with respect.

    looks aren't that important to me, i mean sure, i like a boy who showers haha, but if i am attracted to his personality, i will probably find things about him that are s**y.

    as far as thinking about s*x goes...I'd say girls think about it almost as much as boys do. i find myself daydreaming about the deed more than you would think.  :)

  7. lol At least your honest "...and want them for a s*x tool"  i spose..  

    looks dont mean as much to me but they are mportant becsause you need a physical attration there  if not you got nothing!. Also i like a boy who is sweet and caring and who has big arms  that can make me feel  safe and protected  and who i know i can trust.  its really the way i feel arund a boy will let me know if i like them or not.  And  i dont think grils think about s*x near as often as guys ... but im just one vote.  

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