
What does a girl think when I call her a princess?

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  1. My dad calls me princess though =)

  2. I hear the word used most often in reference to LITTLE girls, and it usually means one who is rather prim and proper, feminine, fastidious, and fond of pretty things.

  3. I would think it depends on the girl and how she thinks of the word.

    Some girls would love to be called princess since they love luxury & being pampered.

    Others may be insulted since it may say that they're high-maintenance.

  4. She most likely thinks you are very sweet however, depending on her age she might want to be called something else. I suggest you'll make nicknames for each other that are only for you'll. Maybe you should let her pick hers. Not bc you would be bad at it but, it sounds to me like your not completely confident with this girl and you don't want to be worrying about what you named her.

  5. It depends in the way you tell it to her it can be sweet or sarcastic.

    Reading people minds is not all that difficult, it's just a matter of people knowledge and getting older.

  6. that she is a spoiled little brat, that is what it usually is in reference to, unless you mean princess, as in you are so lovely and i am putting you on a pedestal and treating you like royalty, but i guess she would have to wonder which of the two you were referring to

  7. She wonders where your guide dog is gone

  8. I'm hoping you meant that in a most  pleasing way, saying she might have been pretty enough and important enough to fight a dragon for.

    I have a different view in that regard.  I'm a bit of a tomboy.  I play with power tools, hang from harnesses 40 feet in the air and curse like a sailor.  Calling me a Princess would get you a blessing like no nun has even given.  I view it as an insult.  That I must be so girly that I should be pampered.  I value my "boyishness".  It's sad I know....but I work as a Union Steward in a male dominated industry.  If my coworkers insinuate that I can't do the job I get to heft a 500 dollar fine on them.  So I have to take it seriously.

    Give her a pet name instead, like "Boo Bear" or "Tigger".  It'll be better for ya' in the long run.

  9. It depends on theway you say it.

    If you say it in a mean way it would mean to her that you're calling her snobbish.

    In a nice way I would like to be called a princess. It means that a guy will do anything for you.

  10. Oooooooooooooh, you DIDN'T!.

    A "princess" is a high-maitenance, spoiled brat.

    Think Paris Hilton.

    You're dead, man.

  11. I wouldnt liked to be called that . . .but i bet other girls would.  Things like usually make a girl feel special and wanted- which is good. Im just not fond of the words princess, muffincakes, sweetie, sweetpotato, or ANYTHING along those lines  . . . . they just sound all wrong.  Try somethin like your beautiful, or i love u[:  (<<< that is if its ur girlfriend, lol)

  12. It depends upon the context in which the word is used.Calling someone a princess could infer that she is a spoilt brat,a girl who gets everything she wants,and is the type to whine and complain and cry if she doen't get her way.

    And as to reading someone's thoughts,don't. Just ask that person what her/his opinion is on the subject.

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