
What does a good man consist of?

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What does a good man consist of?




  1. a good man is intelligent, sees beneath the surface of a womans appearance, accepts her for her, doenst try and control or change her, he has character, he is  a leader, he has integrity, supportive and goal oriented , always seeking new challenges...he can cry and communicate yet still be strong, he is sensitive to his womans needs, as well as his families,he is loyal and faithful to the extreme,  he thinks of others equally or more in relation to himself, he is generous, a good listener, and a protector...and provider.....

  2. :D Everything he is! :D

    Sweet, nice, kind, cute(even when hes mad or sad or being a jerk!), Loving at all times, never leaves you when your crying, never takes you for granted, Always there for you, thinking worrying about you, but still able to maintain his life, can support you, has good goals, good morals and vaule, that he wants to share with you, wants to go out with you, show you nice places, take you on trips, :D thats everything he is too me and more.

  3. Not s*x based life

  4. A good man has many qualities, but none more important than this:


    If a guy can't do that, I don't care how strong or rich or powerful he might be, he's not a man.

  5. Jello.

    Sorry, I'm tired and I couldn't resist.

    There is no outline of what a good man is. They are all mistake prone.

  6. It was said of my Dad that he was straight as an arrow.  I like that.  He never looked at or made passes at other women.  He was a hard worker and supported us, his family as best he could.  He was a godly man and great example of a good man.  If I were looking for a good man today, I would ask about his faith.  Does he have a relationship with God?  Does he have a job?  for how long?  Don't bother with a free-loader guy.  And is he in debt?  That is big trouble, too.  And then you don't want a divorcee.  They have unresolved problems that they bring with them into their next relationship usually.  A good man is a good husband and dad, and faithful.  A protector and a provider.  I asked God for a 'good man' and we have been married many years now.  We have had some issues, but we have worked thru them.  And he is still a very good man.

  7. Love, respect, trust, communication, responsible and will do anything to make his woman happy.  Oh and he also has to be s**y and gorgeous.    That's a real man.   I know, because I got one!

  8. everything my hubby got! well almost ( more money wouldnt hurt)

      --LOOKS ( sorry i care what my man look like )

    --- understanding , caring , can be trusted , lov

    i tried to go on but there is too much so just know that a good man is one who wants to be a good man . lots of positives and not so much i have to work on - negatives .  

  9. My hubby!! Compassion understanding love


  10. trustworthy, honest, open communicator, big strong arms to comfort, a big heart...

  11. 5 foot 8 inches bone muscle and love.

  12. honesty, respect, nurturing, faithfulness, pride, and family!!!

    for me, its one word - carmine! (my man)

  13. He has a strong shoulder to cry on when times get tough, a helping hand when you can't do things alone, a eager ear to listen to problems that on one else may listen to, a sharp eye to watch out for you when you lose sight of whats ahead, warm arms to hold you when you need comforting, and a patient & willing heart to withstand all the times he is truly needed.

    That is my husband........

  14. Honesty, self esteem, a moral system he lives by, respect for women and for faithfulness in a relationship and self respect (Doesn't take c**p from a woman either) has a good work ethic and is self supporting.

    Then narrow it to: Has much in common with you. Same idea of fun, religious beliefs, kids or not and how many, where he wants to live and how he feels about boundaries for his family and yours, and I think its important that you like his and he likes yours, if family is important to either of you. Financial expectation should be equal too, you know how much you spend etc.

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