
What does a guy mean when he says this? (Please help.. [on my knees begging..])?

by  |  earlier

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Well, this guy i like is in my PE class..

Here's the story,

Today, when my friend saw him, she randomaly went up to him and asked, "do you know her?"(pointing to me)

He said "no but [a guys name] does."

Ok we dont know each other but we see each other in PE class.. + yes, the guy he said knows me is in the same class.(we're just friends)

Does that mean he doesnt notice me? Or what?

Please help..


Oh, while your at it, give me some tips on approaching him. Remember, we never talked before.





  1. should just go up to him and start a conversation. Just think of something interesting to talk about and see if he starts talking back to you. If he doesn't really seem interested, then I would just walk away. If it's meant to be, then it will happen.

    Also why is this question in the volleyball area??? I totally agree with HBK's #1 fan! and someone could report you for this...just to let you know!

  2. Just go up to him and be like "So you don't know me, do you want to?"  Or something cute like that.  Or maybe ask your guy friend to talk to him for you or help you guys initiate a conversation.  Maybe he could include you in something they are doing in P.E.  Like if the friend and the boy are playing basketball, maybe he can ask you to come play two on 1?  

    Good luck.

  3. If he knows someone who knows you

    wouldn't that mean he is at the very least aware

    of your existence? and after your friend

    "randomly" pointed you out to him, unless he

    is kind of slow, he's is now aware of you.

    Just talk to him like a friend. You will find out

    if you have something in common other than a

    'hormonal condition'  (lol) .

    Sports, school events and music are good things

    to talk about. Find out what he likes to do. Make sure

    he knows what your interests are. Hopefully he'll

    ask you about your interests.

    Take it slow and easy.

  4. I hate to break it to you, but it doesn't sound good.

  5. thats what happened to me to like the boy i liked didn't even notice me till he asked what my name was and he were on the same team lol ok well just be calm and talk about normal things like pE lolhe may of noticed you before but never really paid attention try to start a conversaition with him

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. just start a conversation with him, plus don't get all caught up in thinking that he noticed you cause he might have but you don't know for sure

  7. Well if he knows he doesn't know you, then he must know you! (know what i mean?)

    Like, if he knows that another guy knows you or that second guy talks about u or something, then at least he's heard of you.

  8. first off... this is the volleyball section...

  9. You just have to do something to get his attention. Why is this question under vball?

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